Nicknames: Arctic Owl, Great White Owl
Size: This species can weigh anywhere between 3.5 and 6.5 lbs, hold a wing span of 4.2 to 4.8 feet and stand 20 to 28 cm tall.
Appearance: It’s obviously how snowy owls got their name; these beautiful birds are a covered in white and brown feathers. Females sport brown feathers for their entire lifespan, while males gradually turn whiter with age. Snowy Owls are well equipped for living and hunting in colder climates. Under their first layer of feathers lies a thick down covering, making Arctic living bearable.
Habitat: Residing predominantly in the Arctic Tundra, Snowy Owls nest in chilly climates. Generally found in low elevations, certain subspecies can be found in elevations above 3000 ft. Usually, these birds are found in open fields, moorland, water meadows and short sparse vegetation. Its habitat correlates to the amount of rodents; relocating with the food source.
Diet: Snowy owls prey on small mammals, their favorite being lemmings – a small rodent comparable to mice. In addition to lemmings, this species enjoys rabbits, fish and birds. To capture their prey, Snowy owls rely on their excellent ability to camouflage their white feather with the snow. Before attacking its prey, the snowy owl identifies its prey and tracks it for long periods of time.
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