Nicknames: Acadia Owl, Saw-Filer, Sparrow Owl and Queen Charlotte Owl.
Size: The Northern Saw-Whet Owl stands tall at 7 to 8 and a half inches, weighs 2 and a half to 3 and a half ounces, and holds a wingspan of 19 inches.
Appearance: This owl physically varies from the common owl appearance. It’s relatively small, has no ear tufts and look distorted due to an asymmetrical skull. Their facial disk is brown and white, with large, amber eyes. The interesting thing about these birds is that their plumage are feathered; as is their legs and feet.
Habitat: This particular species of owl can be found mostly in coniferous forests, in deciduous woodlands and riparian zones. Their range spans in the south of Canada, United States, New England, and central Mexico.
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