Genus Name: Tyto alba Nicknames: Monkey-face Owl, Ghost Owl, Church Owl Size: Females range between 34-40 cm long, 110cm wingspan and 570g. Males range between 32-38 cm long, 107 cm wingspan and 470g. Appearance: Barn Owls are best known for their trademark white heart-shaped face shape, with a ring of brown around the perimeter. It’s […]
Snowy Owl
Genus: Nyctea scandiaca Nicknames: Arctic Owl, Great White Owl Size: This species can weigh anywhere between 3.5 and 6.5 lbs, hold a wing span of 4.2 to 4.8 feet and stand 20 to 28 cm tall. Appearance: It’s obviously how snowy owls got their name; these beautiful birds are a covered in white and brown […]
Spotted Owl
Genus: Strix occidentalis Nicknames: Arizona Spotted Owl, Canyon Owl, Wood Owl. Size: This species can weigh anywhere between 21 to 23 ounces, hold a wing span of 40 – 50 inches and stand 16.5 – 19 inches tall. Appearance: The Spotted Owl is a dark woodland owl that’s often recognized for their round head and […]
Great Horned Owl
Genus: Bubo virginianus Nicknames: Hoot Owl, Cat Owl, Flying Tiger Size: They carry a wingspan of 3.3 to 4.8 feet and a body length of 18 to 25 inches. Their weight varies between 2 to 5.5 pounds. Appearance: Easily recognizable by it’s sharp, cat like, feather ears, the Great Horned Owl has been known to […]
Burrowing Owl
Genus: Athene cunicularia Nicknames: Billy Owl, Ground Owl, Athene Owl (originating from the scientific name refering to the Greek Goddess of Wisdom; who’s favorite bird was the owl.) Measurements: The Burrowing Owl has a wingspan of 21 to 24 inches, weighs in at 4.4 to 9 pounds and stands 7.5 to 10 inches tall. These […]
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